Let Me Help You Overshoot Your Goals.

What I Do

Currently in year 8 at Avalon Intermediate School in Lower Hutt.

I Dance.

I have dance lessons since 2015 with Caroline Stewart School of Dance.

This year I have Intermediate Jazz.

I have just finished my Hip-Hop exam and now in Level 4 Hip-Hop.

I Swim.

Since 2014 I have swimming at Stokes Valley pool.

Now I am currently in the highest swimming group at Huia Pools

I Play Music.

During the Covid-19 lockdown  I started playing on a keyboard.

I had violin lessons at Koraunui Hub for a few years.

My Story

I am living with my grandparents since my birth as my mother could not look after me. My father could not care for me either.

I visit my father every two weeks on a Sunday.
My mother comes over to our place a few times each year.
She lives on the South Island.

The photo on the right side is the day after I fell with my head on the ground while skiing on Cardrona close to Wanaka.
Thank goodness I wore a helmet.

One of the things I would like to do is make gaming videos on Youtube,
but my grandparents feel I am still too young.
Making this web site is second best.

Jasmine skiing award

Let Me Help You Overshoot Your Goals in the Right Ways.